
On this site, we are all about the condominium lifestyle. For many urban dwellers, condo living is something with which they are very familiar and no longer just for those with millions of dollars with wives spending their days at the spa getting pampered. The trend in growing cities for the past couple of decades has been to focus attention on growing upwards instead of outwards, and that has meant a great change to the skyline of many major metropolises. Toronto's backdrop is no different, which is only fitting for one of the largest cities on the continent. Residential buildings tower against the sky in many different areas, tributes to modern innovation and architecture.

In this section of the site, we are going to take a look at just who lives in these condos and homes, or elsewhere in the city. We think that the articles we post in this section will surprise you with a lot of the information. The fact is that condo living is not limited to just one type of person or even one type of household; the range of people who prefer condominium living in the city is quite broad. Here are some of the different categories you will find coming up in our articles, as far as who lives in condominiums in Toronto go.

    Age: For a long time, age was the number one factor people thought about when it came to who exactly lived in condominiums. We will take a look at whether or not this category is as important as it once was. You might find it surprising to see that, in fact, no one age group is over represented when it comes to living in condos, and that the age groups most likely to live in condos are quite desperate.

    Lifestyle: As the "condominia" lifestyle has developed over the years, it is becoming more and more apparent that lifestyle choices have as much bearing on the decision to live in a condominium as age, or any other factor. Lifestyle choices tend to not only dictate the choice of a condominium for a person, couple, or family, but also the type of condo that they will select to make their home in.

When it comes to condo living in Toronto, the question of who will choose to make a condo their home often hinges on the two criteria we listed above; in fact, these are factors that come up again and again when one looks at the reasons for condo living. Age, occupation, work location, family size, budget, and outlook on life in the big city all come into play when a person is considering what type of real estate to buy in Toronto, even power of sale properties to save some money on your first purchase.

Are you in a group that is more likely to purchase a condo than any other type of home when it comes to Toronto living? This section of the site will help you determine that, along with some of the reasons why these people prefer to select a condo as their home base.

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Monday, March 31, 2025